COVID-19 is still with us. You can protect yourself and your family by wearing a mask, being vaccinated, and testing when you think you might be sick.

Photo of woman pointing to bandaid on arm after vaccination
Stop the spread. Protect yourself. Protect your family.

Your actions can prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Protect yourself and others.

Be safe.

One way to track the number of COVID-19 cases is to track the number of COVID-19 hospital admissions. Find out if hospital admission rates for COVID-19 in your area are low, medium, or high.

Get vaccinated. Get a booster.

A new COVID-19 vaccine is now available. Your Highmark Health Options benefits cover the cost of the vaccine. Be sure to show your ID card when you get your vaccination.

Watch this short video to find out why people just like you said yes to the vaccine.

Learn why vaccines work.

Learn why vaccines are safe.

Find out where to get the vaccine. Vaccines are free and approved for people age 5 and older.

Check out these facts and myths from the CDC.

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Woman looking at COVID-19 test swab
Get tested.

Get tested if you:

  • Have COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Have been around someone with COVID-19 in the last 5 days.
  • Plan to travel or have returned from travel.

The government is once again offering free at-home test kits through the U.S. Postal Service. Order your tests today.

Go to a test site.

Wear the right mask, the right way. 
  • People who reported wearing a mask in indoor public settings were less likely to test positive for COVID-19.
  • Wear the most protective mask you can that fits well, is most comfortable for you, and that you will wear consistently every time.
  • Get free N95 masks at your drug store. These are provided by the government as of February 2022. N95 masks provide the most protection from COVID-19.
  • Check before buying. If you buy N95 masks, be sure to buy from a supplier approved by the CDC. More than half of masks marked N95 do not meet CDC standards.

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Wash your hands.

Wash your hands after:

  • Caring for someone who is sick.
  • Leaving a public place.
  • Taking off your mask.
  • Touching your mask.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. If you can’t wash, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

Illustration of parent and child at doctor
Get help when you’re sick.